HoloEN Anniversary - Let Them Eat Cake!

Send a message, and (optionally) bake or draw a cake!

About this Project

Organized by: Hololive English Fan ServerEvent date: 18 August 2021

Bake a cake for the anniversary of HoloMyth!

TL;DR: Send an anniversary message for the Myth girls to read, and (optionally) send a picture of a cake you baked, or an illustration of one!

Note: Still not affiliated with Cover, we're getting this to the members by the "post to the subreddit/Twitter and hope" method!

Project: Let Them Eat Cake!

Submit a message (2000 character max) and an optional image of a cake/treat of some sort (feel free to get creative) here:



We reserve the right to reject any submissions which do not follow our rules, or may be upsetting/against the intention of the project; this is a time to celebrate, so any negative messages will not be accepted!

Image guidelines: It must not contain any third party assets used without their permission, and it is highly preferable if it's your own creation (if it is not, you must have proof of permission).

Please send your FINAL VERSION ONLY to avoid any mistakes/issues with submissions!

If you can't submit your files via the form then head on over to for further instructions - and also go there to discuss with others about the project!

Submissions deadline: SEPTEMBER 9, 23:59 JST (THIS IS JAPANESE TIME, JST ALERT)


Community Submissions

When I first got into Hololive back in October in the year 2020, it was like I had an escape from all of the chaotic antics the world was getting into at the time (the C virus, if you will). I used to feel apathetic almost everyday, but I finally had something to look forward to everyday - seeing what HoloEN had to stream each day. In a way, I finally found my happiness because of you guys. Thank you for everything, and I wish all of you nothing but the best!

Happy One Year Anniversary HoloMyth! It's been a fun journey seeing you five stream. You five inspired people, made people laugh, brought people together, cheering people up, and made people feel like they had a place where they can belong. And all of this was because of you five, thank you for making mine and others people's year better. You add up happiness to my life and many others which is something I find amazing with the five of you. Your friendship with each other is something I find so heartwarming, the amount of work you guys put on your streams/songs is just so inspiring, the five of you are just so talented, hardworking, and supportive with each other that it just makes my heartache that something wholesome and heartwarming like this can really exist. Your friendship with each other just gives me hope that I can find some more friends. Again, thank you for making our year better, I can't wait to experience this next year with you guys, especially with HoloEN Generation 2 and IRyS! Happy One Year Anniversary HoloMyth! I hope you a great year!

Congrats on you all for making it through the first stream year! It's been a rough time for all of us during quarantine, which is one of my reasons to why I picked up watching VTubers as an interest of mine, a friend introduced me to Gura at school for not really much of a reason, and so I eventually ended up stumbling into pekora's clips, and of course since I don't speak Japanese, I'm only really limited to watching clips of the JP members, which lead me up to Calli first instead of Gura, with me ending up having a new music taste for Japanese music (not just anime openings.), and as time passed I had more of a wider view on the rest of the Myth VTubers, I believe lots of people ended up into the rabbit hole the same way I did, from the algorithm throwing clips into our YouTube feed, and by the time we can notice it, it's too late. Enjoying the content of VTubers is a part of my escapism from how the world has changed and what it is right now, so I wish you all a happy anniversary and keep on streaming!